And... we have a thumb sucker.
Monday, December 19, 2005
cortneyandjon in pregnancy

We had our third doctor's appointment this morning.  Most of it is just becoming routine - they check Cortney's blood pressure, weight, and measurements, then they answer questions and, finally, listen to the baby's heartbeat.  This morning's appointment was not so routine when they were unable to find said heartbeat with the doppler.  The doctor was very reasuring - she kept telling us that she could clearly hear the baby moving around, but it all sounded like the ocean tides to us.  ultrasound-2005-12-19.jpgEvidently they fully understand the heightened concerns of first time parents, though, because she brought in the ultrasound machine on the wheely cart and, because Raspberry had been into playing hide and seek, we were treated to a very special second look.  The doctor kept pointing out locational characteristics, saying "here's the head...there's the tummy...see the strong heartbeat," but the changes between the last ultrasound (at eight weeks) and this one (now at fourteen) were awesome and no tour guide was needed.  At eight weeks we thought we had a tiny bean named Raspberry... at fourteen we now have a fully formed human, complete with thumb sucking!  In fact, we have a stubborn thumb sucker.  Every time the doctor would push against Cortney's tummy with the wand we could clearly see Raspberry get agitated and push back with fully formed arms until the wand stopped moving, at which time all settled and the thumb went back in the mouth.  We will stock up on pacifiers now.

Article originally appeared on Cortney and Jon Ophoff's Family Site (
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