To Calvin, who is seven months old today!
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
cortneyandjon in To Calvin..., development, life, parenting

Seven months!  Wow!  It seems like that is how we 7monthletter1.jpgalways start these letters to you, and that is because with each passing month we find it harder to believe that time is slipping through our hands at such an alarming rate.  It seems like just yesterday that you would lay sleeping in our arms, light as a feather, but today you are too busy to fall asleep that easily, and too heavy and long for us to cradle that way.  This month you celebrated your first Christmas and, while it may have meant little to you, it will always be etched in our memories as a season to remember:  you visited Santa and did well on his lap, and then Santa visited you while you slept; you had your own stocking; you had your own presents; you ate your own Christmas dinner.  7monthletter2.jpgThe day came and went too fast, but the memories will last us a lifetime. 

You didn't take any time off for the holiday, though!  In the past month you actually quit crawling, exchanging that mode of transport for the slightly easier log roll, but you continue to pull yourself up so that you can play while standing.  In fact, that trick is old hat to you, and your new favorite game is walking!  You love to pull yourself up and go for a walk while holding on to our hands.  Though you're no where near going solo, you are capable of cruising for a short distance, just a few tottering steps, while holding on to a table or a toy.  But perhaps our favorite milestone from the past month was your 7moletter3.jpgintroduction to solid foods.  We started with rice cereal on your six month birthday, and every few days since we have introduced a new food.  Right now your menu includes rice and oatmeal cereals, peas, green beans, sweet potato, acorn squash, and avocado.  We are making all of your food for you, and we taste all of it first to make sure it's something that we would like to eat.  So far you have been a wonderful at and we really enjoy sharing meals with you, and watching your face whenever you taste something new.  There are so many other things that we can't wait to introduce you to over the next month, our little adventurer!

Article originally appeared on Cortney and Jon Ophoff's Family Site (
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