Calvin's first written word was zoo. I'm surprised, in fact, that it wasn't his first spoken word. It should not, therefore, surprise you that we were at the zoo again a few days ago, this time with friends. We've gone and had a great time with Noah and Isaac before and this was no different. As the boys grow older it is fun to observe the changes in their dynamics and interactions. Calvin brought along his magnifying glass today and all three boys had a fun time with it, mostly in making themselves lop-eyed monsters. And no two trips to the zoo are ever alike; aside from the variations in child behavior, the animals always treat us to something new and wonderful on each visit. Today the binturong, whom we have always observed as a faintly discernable shadow in the back doorway, was actually sleeping out in the open; a frog was hanging out in plain view in the fish pond; the flamingoes were honking away.
Probably my very favorite picture from this trip—discussing fungus.