Although we never left the resort, we did find time to partake in one of our favorite activities—wildlife watching. There were reptiles galore, of course. They were pretty much everywhere we looked. And we swam with some fascinating amphibians. And the early mornings belonged to the birds. We didn't have to leave the resort to find them, they came to us.
Lizards: small, medium, and large
Iguanas, Iguanas, and more Iguanas
Green Sea Turtles (which we saw while snorkeling at Turtle Cove, but also these guys swimming around in our own bay)
Magnificent Frigatebird (Juvenile)
Magnificent Frigatebird (Juvenile)
We also saw a number of Atillean Crested Hummingbirds flitting around the flowers on our front lawn, but sadly they were too quick for a picture.