Mrs. O'Leary's Cow, by MaryAnne Hoberman (our review)
We read this book for the first time after we checked it out from the Ypsi Township library, which means it was about two years ago. It was an instant hit. Calvin still asks to check this book out from the library every chance he gets. We could break down and buy it for him, but it's been such a great lesson in library etiquette ("we must return it so that other kids can enjoy it, and if it is still here in two weeks, we can check it out again") that we are reluctant to do so. He'll probably get it for Christmas.
Since it's clearly his favorite, I thought this was a great place to start with the book reviews.
Book Review, 10/6: Mrs. O'Leary's Cow, by MaryAnne Hoberman
Cortney: So, what do you like about this book?
Calvin: I love the pretty pages
Cortney: And what's your favorite part?
Calvin: The smoke happening, when the smoke comes out, and it's a song. Can we read it again?
Cortney: But that would be the tenth time this morning! (okay, I wouldn't really say that, but I might suggest something a llittle more inspiring, like maybe some Robert Frost...or if he's really after a book about cows, how about some Thomas Hardy?).
There's really nothing remarkable about this book, but at least it's a song, so reading it over and over again isn't as bad as some others. That being said, every time I read it I feel sorry for the O'Learys, who must have had a rough time of it after a newspaper reporter, eager for readers, blamed the great fire of 1871 on their poor old cow and didn't retract that statement or admit to the slander until over twenty years later. It is a fun song, though.

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