Puppet theater
Our new library, now three quarters of a year old, is fantastic. I'm sure I've mentioned this before, in addition to our infatuation with the children's librarian there, but it's such a large part of our life that I imagine it warrants another mention. We can be found at our library several times a week—sometimes at a story time, sometimes at a children's event, and sometimes just for some good old fashioned mulling about. After all, if we aim our mulling for just the right time we're likely to see a passenger train zip by, and if we're lucky we are sometimes treated to a roaring freight train, too. My only gripe with the library is the plethora of toys scattered throughout the children's area; I've always made it a rule that we forsake these toys, the likes of which we have at home, and immerse ourselves in the scads of literary fun that we doesn't live where we do. In the new library, though, I've had to rethink that practice all for the love of the rather attractive puppet theater they put in.
We don't, after all, have a puppet theater at home (yet), so acting out books and songs while crouching behind a short wooden stage (or not bothering to take such steps to hide, if you're Calvin) is now a part of our regularly scheduled library program, brought to you by childhood imagination in a shroud of giggling glee.

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