Go Away Big Green Scary Monster!, by Ed Emberley (our review)
Another library book that I think is about to become a regular visitor at our house. This is a book that our fabulous children's librarian has read several times with the help of her not-so-big, green, not-so-scary monster puppet, and the kids love it every time. In our current felt craze I had the idea to make a monster with multiple face options (a play on the make your own monster puppet toy by Melissa and Doug). When, in the making, Calvin started requesting a number of specific decorations I started to recognize the little green guy, and Calvin requested that we check out the book the next time we visited the library.
Book Review, 11/5: Go Away Big Green Scary Monster!, by Ed Emberley
Cortney: So, what do you like about this book?
Calvin: (reading the book) ...has two yellow eyes...
Cortney: Or what's your favorite part?
Calvin: (still reading) ...and a long bluish greenish nose...
Cortney: I love that you can make a monster while you read it, how about you?
Calvin: (reading) ...goodbye big red mouth...
Cortney: Which page is your favorite?
Calvin: (coming to the last page) ...and don't come back until I say so! (now to me) I love the nose, don't you?
His rapt attention speaks for itself. As a book it's pretty sparse, but it sure it is cute, and it was just made to go with an activity like a puppet or a felt board. Calvin really loves it and I have no complaints at all.

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