I call a mulligan
Obviously time has gotten away from me. There have been so many things that I have wanted to write about here over the past few months and somehow either the time or the words have elluded. Since last I posted here we have continued to read and have begun a flirtation with the Five in a Row curriculum, Calvin and I have both started taking piano lessons, and the fresh season has brought with a myriad of learning opportunities, not the least of which has been planting and growing. I am calling a mulligan, a restart for this portion of the site, in hopes that a slight redirection or redefinition of the space will help me to keep up with content. From here on out I will probably be talking more about the books that we are reading at any given time since, as homeschoolers leaning towards unschooling with a splash of classical education, reading is one of our main and most favorite activities. There will be other topics as well, but the crafting posts were feeling a little bit contrived, if not all together hokie, to me, and I'm feeling the need to relax the schedule a bit more. We are, after all, mostly unschoolers for a reason.

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