Not Counting Monsters, by H.L. Ross
Ah, now this is a real treasure left from my childhood. We found it on a recent romp through the history cache that is my parents' home. I know I said this about The Little Rabbit, but here's another book that brings back wonderful memories every time I read its pages. This is simply a fun book. It's a counting book that asks you to count all of some object on any given page (people on one, gas pumps on another) while skipping over the monsters (who are dressed up as people or gas pumps respectively). It's just a fun book. Unfortunately, it's no longer in print. In fact, it's so out of print that I was unable to find a picture of it online anywhere, so I had to take my own. There are a few used copies to be had out there, and if you're at all interested I suggest you do a used book search and snatch one up. Did I mention that it's fun? And now, from Calvin:
"We're avoiding counting monsters and counting people, gas pumps, sheep, and cooks, and fish and boats, and all kinds of things, but not monsters."
"I like the book. I like how they wrote it like a poem with rhyming."
"Yes [I would recommend this to others]."

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