Nature Connections in May
May was such a strange month here. Disappointing, really. It's usually such a beautiful month of gentle warming, blossoming flowers, and soft breezes. This year it was cold for a long time, then wet. We had more than twice our average rainfall for the month of May, and most of that in the last two weeks. Serious flooding is a concern for many, and general saturation has kept us from visiting many of our favorite places, even with rain boots. We still connected with nature quite a bit, still spent a lot of time outside with plants, animals, birds—but mostly in our own yard by planting trees and plants and enjoying wildlife, and also on vacation by spending hours on the beach, and lastly in a few other places.
I like to join with other moms in linking my favorite nature activity of the month at Nature Connections, but this month our experiences warrant more of a general summary, I think, so this was how we enjoyed nature this May of the strange weather.
On vacation, enjoying the sun and the lake.
Just being outside whenever we could, enjoying our favorite activities, like reading, games, or make-believe, outside where we could also enjoy the sound of the wind in our new trees, or the sight of wildlife nearby.
We planted native plants, mostly for butterflies, in all our new garden space.
We visited the garden store near our house where they always have tadpoles in their pond.

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