Year 1 school plan (2012-2013 age 6)
June 2012-June 2013
Age 6 (public school grade 1)
Because we were enjoying The Story of the World so much, we have been using Bauer's grammar curriculum as well: First Language Lessons. We use the instructor books only because the workbooks use such huge lines for writing and Calvin already writes in a standard notebook just fine, so we use standard notebook paper. He also writes way more fluidly than I think she expects for children of his age, and that's my only complaint: this curriculum is painfully slow and, in that way, somewhat belittling. We have been using it at our own pace, which is probably three times the rate she expected. Plus we didn't really take the summer off so I suspect that we will fly through the entire series in no time at all and will be looking for soemthing new this time next year.
We started with the Math-U-See back in the pre-school or kindergarten age and it has served us well. The curriculum makes great use of visual aids and continually builds on and reviews previous topics. We will likely continue through the entire curriculum.
As with so many others in the homeschooling community we are using The Story of the World to guide us through our history study. I make good use of her book reocmmendations with each chapter, and we often take extra time to go off on long tangents through civilizations. For each civilization we study we also go into details about their mythology, their origin stories, and usually seek out examples of early (very early) literature traditions as well.
We are using Building Foundations and loving it. We started with this curriculum (really more like a book of suggested lesson plans) not too long ago and have really been enjoying it.
June 2014-June 2015
Age 8 (public school grade 3)
First Lessons for the Well Trained Mind Level 1 (complete in Sept)
First Lessons for the Well Trained Mind Level 2 (complete in Feb 2013)
First Lessons for the Well Trained Mind Level 3 (begin Feb 2013)
Spelling Workout Level C (finish in Oct 2012)
Spelling Workout Level D (Oct 2012 - Feb 2013)
Spelling Workout Level E (begin February 2013)
A Walk in the Woods cursive handwriting practice workbook
Reading, both alone and aloud, choice and assigned from a long list of classical books
Math-U-See Gamma (complete in October)
Math-U-See Delta (begin in October)
The Story of the World, Volume 2
The Story of the World, Volume 2 Activity Book
Building Foundations in Scientific Understanding, Volume I, Grades K-2
Getting to Know the World's Greatest Artists series, by Mike Venezia
Piano Adventures Level 2A series (complete in Sept)
Piano Adventures Level 2B series (begin in Sept)

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