Egypt's New Kingdom (SOTW Ch. 13)
Moving on to the New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt, we used many of the same resources. The new ones we added that I liked are listed below, plus two videos that we absolutely love.
Tut’s Mummy—Lost...and Found (Judy Donnelly, 1988). Easy reading level, fun information. Calvin, our fellow Tut lover, read and re-read this one.
Look What Came from Egypt (Miles Harvey, 1999). A decent look at what things the Egyptians had and what they did with them, but it's pretty limited in scope (mainly forgetful of the many other thriving civilizations of the time) and offers no sources for factual statements.
Tutankhamun (Gill Harvey, 2006). A good biography. Calvin also read and re-read this one, but the reading level was more appropriate for his capability.
Engineering an Empire (The History Channel, 2006, via Netflix). A really great look at a few of the engineering marvels that came out of Ancient Egypt, from each of the three kingdoms. Information is giving about the reigning Pharaohs along with information on the architecture of the time.
Egypt's Golden Empire (PBS, 2005, via Netflix). From the end of Middle Kingdom or beginning of the New Kingdom onward, a look at the rising and falling of the Egyptian Empire and the remarkable Pharaohs that ruled during that time. Focuses mainly on the 18th and some of the 19th dynasties. Though violent for brief moments, reenactments give add an interesting appeal and bring the history to life.

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