Weekly plan, 11/9
Organic delivery this week: 3 bartlet pears, 2 ambrosia apples, 1 bunch red seedless grapes, 2 kiwis, 1 bunch red kale, 1 bunch spinach, 1lb finger potatoes, 1 bunch carrots with tops, 1lb beets, 1lb red onions, celery
Dairy delivery this week: Two 1/2 gallons of 2% milk, 1 dozen eggs, 1 pint cottage cheese
Monday - It's a book club night, so we're having breakfast for dinner to make it easy. Scrambled eggs, the rest of the turkey bacon I bought last week, fresh bread, and oranges. Yum.
Tuesday - Mediterranean salmon and noodle bowl (using spinach from the organic delivery)
Wednesday - Last week's plan got a little blown out of the water (hey, it happens), so we'll finally have that herbed sweet potato and bean hash I planned (using sweet potatoes and onions from our delivery, and beans from the pantry). (Vegetarian meal)
Thursday - Lentil kale soup (using kale, carrots, potatoes, and celery from the organic delivery, lentils from our pantry, and homemade veggie stock from the freezer)
Friday - Leftover sweet potato hash
Saturday - Leftover kale soup
Sunday - Dinner with family
Other things we'll be cooking this week: bread, more granola, and maybe, just maybe, those bagels?
Grocery list - For dinners this week I'll need salmon, red and yellow peppers, whole wheat fettucini, soy miso, and fresh parsley. I'll also be getting more flour, yeast, and brown sugar for our pantry. That's actually about it this week.

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