Poison by dosage
For the many people who might be having a hard time understanding how our regulatory agencies could have been so wrong in their assessment of the chemicals we come into contact with every day, I came across a great interview today with renowned environmental health scientist, Dr. J. Peterson Myers. The interview was conducted on September 4 by Living on Earth, one of my favorite places for environmental news and insight. The short of it, as summarized on their own site, is:
"Modern toxicology doesn't typically test chemicals for what they do at low doses. But, sometimes, small amounts of substances can be harmful to human health, especially when it comes to the hormone-mimicking chemicals known as endocrine disruptors. Pete Myers, chief scientist of Environmental Health Sciences, talks with host Jeff Young about what tiny exposures of common chemicals do in our body, and why regulatory agencies don't test low doses."
View the entire transcript of Low Dose Makes the Poison on the Living on Earth website.
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