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Entries in 365_2010 (46)


Project 365, days 36-42

Spent more time "playing" with pre-K workbooks, then wrote his own Valentines to give to his (imaginary) friend, Mouse; Got a lot of practicing in on the sewing machine and got a lot done, including, finally, pillows and valances for the window seat; Listened to the Lone Ranger on our replica radio during dinner; watched the little dog maneuver through snow drifts during a beautiful February storm; had a very difficult day and were whisked away for a rescue dinner by the (grand)parents; Thursdays at the Dexter Bakery for pretzels before library = love.


Project 365, days 29-35

Better late than never?

Went to the resale fill-a-bag Mom's Club event (ask me if you want to know more), and scored 22 items of clothing PLUS this great cow outfit for dress-up purposes for a total of $10; So excited about the first day of swim class he wore his swim suit to breakfast, complete with slippers; spent the weekend working into the wee hours of morning on a work project; started off the month of love with a new hand-made wreath; tried a pretty good granola recipe that turned out to be a winner; enjoyed some quiet days of sunshine...yes, sunshine; library day, one of our favorite days.


Project 365, days 22-28

Calvn's first play at the theater (a wonderful showing of Frog and Toad), A trip to Detroit to play in some cars, a birthday dinner, being sun kissed in the dead of winter, sewing projects galore, cooking up a little something in the kitchen, and enjoying our British side with tea and scones.


Project 365, days 15-21

Lots of crafts this week, from gluing textiles to paper to cutting out circles to make a snowman family, and even a day spent learning an entirely new hobby—yay! Calvin showed his flexibility by entertaining himself for 2 full hours while sat in a meeting for work. Damp, chilly winter days like these call for lots of cuddling up and reading, be that to yourself in the library, or to the cat at home. And those cold winter days just scream for homemade soup and bread.


Project 365, days 8-14

Cats love the sun on cold winter days, and we love fires on cold winter nights, especially for stretching out and reading in front of. It's fun to have company because then we usually have dessert, like homemade chocolate pudding with home-whipped cream. Practicing writing his letters is more fun for this boy than I could ever have imagined. Look at that, we even found an "M" shaped Mushroom. We enjoyed watching a furry fox squirrel munching on winter berries before heading into the library, and the next day Michael got to enjoy munching on his own winter meal. That's a good week.