Entries in band (44)
Day 122 in 2024
Tonight was the last night of band. Or at least it was the last band concert I will probably ever attend. He played piano in the jazz band, bassoon in the symphonic band, and the microphone during the end-of-year presentations, because as a drum major he spoke in front of the whole audience (which he also did back in December at the winter concert).
I still remember how nervous he was about attending the public school. It wasn't that he didn't have much self-confidence, or a strong sense of self even, he was just shy and, well, nervous. And when I look where is now, I am immeasurably proud and amazed. I knew he'd do well in school, I was confident that he'd make some friends and I felt pretty sure that he would remain true to himself through it all. But I would never in a million years have dreamed that he'd want to be a drum major, or on the drive team in Robotics. I couldn't have guessed at the vast number of lives he would touch, not just the depth of friendships in his inner circle, but also the teachers he's connected with and the many, many students he has mentored or bonded with in other ways.
Tonight when the band seniors were presented with parting gifts (a long-standing tradition of an engraved pen set) my heart swelled at the loud cheers when his name was called. And again when he was given the award honoring "Great Scholarship, Musicianship, and Service" within the band and even more cheering errupted. I go on all the time about how wonderful this kid is, but we all know how biased I am, so it's extra special when others see it, too, and I cannot think of a greater reward that this one coming from his peers.

Day 61 in 2024
At our last Band Festival performance. I cried a little in the sightreading room. Ok, a lot. Sometimes I can't stop the feeling of anger and frustration that comes from having been robbed of two years of these normally fabulous high school activities (thanks to the pandemic), but it just makes each experience we do get that much more precious.