Monday plan day, 6/15
Organic delivery this week: Bananas, blackberries, Danjou pears, red plums, celery, cucumbers, green leaf lettuce, mushrooms, yams, peaches x 2lbs
Dairy delivery this week: Two 1/2 gallons of 2%, 2 pints whipping cream
Last week we got a bit off schedule; it was too beautiful outside to be inside baking stuffed squash, so we had pesto burgers instead, which had me making homemade buns and picking up some extra herbs at the grocery store (our herb garden isn't quite mature enough to make pesto just yet). So we start off using up some of last week's leftover meal items.
Monday - grilled chicken with spinach pasta toss
Tuesday - Leftover grilled chicken made into chicken salad sandwiches (using celery and leaf lettuce from our delivery and leftover homemade hamburger buns from last week, plus almonds from our cupboard, though I will need to buy more olive oil mayo).
Wednesday - Grilled organic sausages with homemade hotdog buns and tabouleh (using cucumbers from this week's order, tomatoes from last week's order, bulgur from our cupboard, and parsley and garlic already on hand, though I may need some extra tomatoes).
Thursday - Sausage pasta toss using the leftover sausages, whole wheat pasta from our cupboard, and any leftover vegetables in our fridge tossed together with olive oil and feta cheese. This is great cold or warm and is a wonderful way to use up leftovers, since any meat or veggies will do (this time I will need to buy more feta).
Friday - This is ladies' night for me, so I will be making hummus and pita to take to dinner with friends, and Jon and Calvin will enjoy hummus and gardenburgers (from our freezer, for shame!) at home.
Saturday - We will be eating out with friends tonight after my friend, Julie, and I run in a 5K benefit beer run (meaning that we benefit from getting free beer at the finish line).
Sunday - Fathers' Day! Jon has requested brats on the grill, and we'll see what the other dads want. We may be hosting a party with burgers and brats, so that will mean homemade buns, plus some other yummy homemade treats, like hummus, dipping bread, salsa (we can get the ingredients at our Farmer's Market on Saturday morning).
Grocery list - This week's list includes feta, tomatoes, olive oil mayonaise, tahini, and OJ. Also, cheese and sausages are on sale at Meijer, so I will be stocking up on some of those. I still need to check the sale papers for other stores, as we need to replenish our stock of chicken as well, and I need to go to Arbor Farms to get more organic flour (whole wheat and white) as well as a few other grains to have on hand.
Happy week!

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