To Calvin, who is six months old today!
Well, Calvin, you are now a half a year old! The time is just going too fast. The past month brought wonderful advancements, but it also brought some challenges for you and for your parents. For the first few weeks of the month you struggled with your acid reflux, eventually leading to you losing an entire pound! After juggling your medications you are now doing much better, but this will be the first month that you have not gained any weight. What you have not gained in size, though, you continue to make up for in your other advancements! Last month you realized how much you enjoyed standing to play, and this month you have learned how to push and pull yourself into that favorite play position! You have also started to travel! Thankfully you don't get very far, but you can crawl, in your own creeping sort of way, for very short distances. You will be able to go much farther as soon as you figure out how to hold your head up off the ground while you are moving!
But our favorite new trick of yours is your new ability to play peek-a-boo! For months we have played this game with you, covering our faces and then surprising you to make you laugh, but just two days ago you started covering your own face and waiting for us to ask "where's Calvin?" before uncovering and laughing up a storm! It is so wonderful to have you engage with us this way, and we see this as a very fun milestone!
This past month has been very special to us for another reason, too: it held the start to this year's holiday season with Thanksgiving and the start of Advent. This is our favorite time of year, and now we get to share it with you, introducing you to the traditions, spirit, and love of the season. We had a beautiful Thanksgiving, and decorated the house for the Christmas season. You were awed by the lights on the tree, and seem to love singing carols with your parents every night (mostly you love sitting on your father's lap and banging along on the keys while he plays the piano). You don't even seem to mind the cold air! This season is not just new to you, it also feels new to us because it holds such a special new meaning to us now that you are here. We have so much to be thankful for!

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