Happy birthday to the US
And to Cortney's dad, but don't tell anyone. We started our celebration last night by going to the fireworks display in Manchester. It was, of course, Calvin's first evening of fireworks and he dutifully slept through the entire thing, but that's okay because we enjoyed his first fireworks outing for him. Tonight we celebrated birthdays with Cortney's dad's fantastic and famous smoked ribs. Yum. Calvin also slept through this experience, but that's okay, too, because he will get to enjoy them via the indirect route. In other news... we got our first real smile on Sunday! It has only happened one other time since then, but we are sure the frequency will increase with time. Of course no one ever has a camera ready fast enough when these things happen... But we did get a chance this evening to put Calvin's super baby growth into perspective... he has a long way to go yet.