We Pot-lucked out
A good party makes a good weekend. Good food makes a good party. Good people make good food. When you work out that equation what it boils down to is this: the ingredients for a good weekend include good people making food for a party. So, if this equation is correct, then our weekend, which included not one but two, count them, two pot-lucks, was fantastic. Saturday night we had a wonderful time with a good old summer barbecue hosted by our friends and neighbors, Andrew and Amy. An additional note about that event is that it was our very first "family" party. As we sat on the deck sipping beer and eating sausages we were watching a scattering of children under the age of five play whiffle ball in the yard, then we passed babies back and forth while discussing their sleeping and eating patterns. As we took in the full meaning of the evening we suddenly felt as though we had "arrived" at parenthood. What that phrase really means, we don't know, but that is somehow what we felt.
Sunday's potluck, which was a kickoff gathering of the First Presbyterian Quad D deacons, sported a higher average age (how much higher we will not divulge). At that gathering we sat at tables under a tent in a yard, sipping lemonade and discussing summer activities and church business. Both evenings were fun in very different ways. The one common denominator? Passing the baby!

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