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The wonders of the season.

Be it the strange decorations  that have come out of the basement or the wonder3.jpgsudden change in the weather, the crowds of people or simply a spirit in the air, the wonder of this season is more than just a commercial phrase coined by companies such as Coca Cola and Hallmark.  we know this to be true because we have already seen the look of wonder spread across our son's guileless face.  On Friday morning he stood agape, staring at our singing and dancing animatronic snowmen when first they appeared (and performed).  Saturday afternoon he traipsed through stores with a cheerfulness that can only belong to one who has never been responsible for holiday meals, deals, or clean-up.  Then tonight, as we enjoyed our first real snow of the season, he stood Wonder1.jpgwide-eyed on our deck, face turned up to the heavens, a look of fascination on his face that clearly knew no cold.  Though last year may have been his first Christmas, we are ever more aware that this one will hold a place in our memories that is so much more special.

 "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science."
-Albert Einstein

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