Back to the zoo!
It was 75 degrees and sunny today, and all who know us also know what that means - it was a zoo day! The first of the year, actually, and the difference between this trip and our last is that we spent much less time watching the animals and much more time watching Calvin watch the animals, or not watch the animals as it may be. He did seem to be interested in some of the creatures, especially the larger or faster moving ones. He watched the rhino boys closely, even performing his "so big" for the, although their lack of interest was disappointing to
him. The zebras also caught his eye, as did the prairie dogs. Other than that, he was mostly interested in watching the other baby who was with us (we went with college friends of ours, John and Ashley, and their 15 month old son, Noah), and in the inanimate wonders of the zoo, like the ropes in the
walkabout and the watery walls of the polar bear tunnel. He was interested in getting out of the stroller and walking a lot, and wanted to touch and poke at everything nearby. As for us, we were fascinated by how very much like a little boy he is beginning to look. Where did our baby go?

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