I'm dreaming of... Thanksgiving first.
I love Christmas; I do believe it is my favorite holiday, although I really just love this entire festive season, and that is why I dream of a day when each holiday will be given its due. Unfortunately, Thanksgiving is like the forgotten middle child; stuck between its better known siblings – Halloween and Christmas – it has to be content with hand-me-downs from the former while being quickly edged out of the spotlight by the latter. And this year it looks as though Thanksgiving could be forgotten altogether; with the economy lagging, stores everywhere have cut right to the chase and are advertising "Black Friday prices" for this weekend; some radio stations are already playing all Christmas all the time (let's do the math - are there even that many Christmas songs?); and at least five of our neighbors put up their decorations the weekend after Halloween, including their indoor trees. I'm all for Christmas, but please, we need to strive for holiday equality. Don't let Thanksgiving down.

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