Junk foods
It's been almost a week and I feel I must say something, but there really isn't much to say. We're battling a mixture of excitement and disappointment over our most recent snow storm; we love snow, but now that we've had a taste of spring the frigid weather is harder to take. But life goes on - swim lessons, music class, church, work, play, sleep. I don't mean for that to sound like boredom, because every day has its unique excitement stemming directly from life with an active toddler. I realize that soon I will have to forego that moniker for the far less cuddly and far less mom-needy term "little boy" and as each day passes he loses a little more of his baby face and gains another inch of childish wisdom. While playing a choosing game with Jon last weekend he was offered an imaginary choice between sausage and doughnuts, to which he replied "oh, daddy, doughnuts are junk food." Right you are, little boy, right you are (though that doesn't stop Jon and myself from enjoying such delicacies from the Dexter Bakery once a week - yum). His favorite new activity? Milking the cow from his barn then using his tractor and train to deliver the milk to his farm house. Hopefully I'll catch that on digi-film some time this week. Today, though, how about this one?
*This is an unedited picture. He really is that color.

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