Christmas Eve
It seems a very long time since I last entered this site, and in truth it is, though not nearly as long as it feels. The Christmas season is always such a busy one, and for all the right reasons; it feels as though we've lived a lifetime in the past two weeks, and not once did I import pictures from the camera. Thankfully our memory card is good for upwards of 600 shots, but as time passed and pictures amassed, the job just looked more and more daunting until, finally, today I ran out of space on that behemoth and was forced to import so I could erase it.
Going through them, on the other hand, is still a massive job waiting to be tackled and I am doing in stages and uploading in installments. Installment the first, then, is Christmas Eve. I'll be back in a bit with the continuation, after I've sorted through the over 200 pictures that are Christmas alone.
Christmas Eve at Kerrytown. It was chilly, but not down right cold, and unfortunately not even thinking about snowing. Santa hats don't have quite the same affect without snow and cold.
Christmas Eve means waiting in a jovial line at Monahan's to pick up our Christmas Eve oysters and squid. Some people think that's strange. I make no further comment.
Christmas Eve also means lunch at Kosmo Deli with a side of seafood chowder from Monahan's.
Christmas Eve means a romp through the delightful little shops that call Kerrytown home. I think Found is my favorite—a collection of everything yesteryear, and sometimes yesterday.
And I still remember Christmas Eve nights spent with cousins, all of us eager with anticipation of the following days splendor. Half of us now coddle those same expectations in our own youngsters.

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