4 days: A Charlie Brown Christmas
We had quite the day today. In spite of my best plans for keeping this week low key, calm, and relaxing, today ended up being a real doosy, none of it having anything to do with Christmas or getting ready for Christmas. Suffice to say, at the end of the day we were lucky to have made it to swimming, practiced a little piano, and gotten dinner on the table. So we unwound with a family video night.
I am a slave to nostalgia and over the years we have collected nearly all of the Christmas classics, for young and old. Last year the only one we watched with Calvin was Will Vinton's Claymation Christmas with Calvin. It's a good one—probably my favorite. This year we decided it was time to bring out a few of the others as well. We've already watched Calymation a couple of times this month, so tonight we watched two of my other favorites: A Charlie Brown Christmas, and 'Twas the Night Before Christmas (oh the music! Although watching it now with Calvin I found myself cringing as they sang "let up a little on the wonder why" eek! Don't do that!).
Jon and I have a Christmas Eve tradition of filling stockings, setting out santa gifts, putting on the final touches, then lighting a fire and sitting down to watch Meet Me in St. Louis with a night-cap of scotch. It's a good tradition.

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