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The difference a day can make



Yesterday was beautiful. Not as warm as Sunday, but sunny and bright and warm enough to still be barefoot and free, and we spent most of it outside. Today started out a little rainy, so we spent the morning at the library and came home with books on Spain and stickers for building a spring garden. Calvin decided to finish up his folder on the middle ages with a pictorial how-to for making glass and a picture of knights jousting. He finished reading his book on knights, we read more Oz, he made his sticker garden, and that was about when the sun broke and we rushed outside to enjoy it.

I know spring is coming. The daffodils finally starting blooming today and the cowbird is back. I think I heard him on our walk a few days ago, too, his beautiful water-like tone, but I couldn't be sure, and then there he was today at our feeder. He is one of my favorite harbingers of spring.

Oh, and doves on the roof, sparrows in the tree, kid on the lawn, me in the driveway with a book. That was today.

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