10 days: Holiday Nights
It has been a tradition for several years now to go with good friends to the Greenfield Village Holiday Nights event. Prior to this year we've carted the kids off to grandparents' houses for the night and enjoyed ourselves until long after bedtime, but this the year we finally bundled them up and took them with us. Like anything else that was once yours alone, seeing it through the younger set of eyes was like renewing the event. "Oh, wow!" was a popular exclamation for the evening, and the giggling almost never stopped. We were fortunate in the weather; although it had been kind of rainy all day, it didn't rain while we were outside at the event until the moment that we were walking back to the cars, and although we would have gladly taken snow, it was probably easier to enjoy it with the younger set while temperatures were in the mid-forties.

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