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Day 77 in 2020: isolation blog day 2

Sometimes reality hits you like a rake handle to the face.

We've been floating along absorbing rapidly changing realities without batting an eye. Schools closed? No problem. Work from home? No problem. Stay in? Eh, we're introverts anyhow. Looking forward we've done very well accepting first postponements, then reschedulings, then even cancellations. But looking back can be jarring.

Today we got a package. I saw it on our mail list for the day and wasn't sure what it was, couldn't remember ordering anything as of late. But it wasn't something I'd ordered as of late, it was something I ordered almost two weeks ago with the idea of having it to enjoy over this coming weekend, which was to be a busy time for all three of us with Jon away at a conference and Calvin performing in both a big band to-do and his first ever dance competition. I had been so excited when I placed the order, not even two weeks ago, yet now here it is, a rather sudden reminder of all we have lost, and how quickly we lost it.

We are still here floating along, taking the punches as they roll, but it's important I think, too, to note the changes that are thrust at us, and sometimes to mourn them. This is not life as usual, and it, too, shall pass, but it will take oh so much with it. Let's just hope that, by giving up so much, the majority of what it takes will be moments of the past, not moments of the future.

(Jon teaching piano from home via Skype while I keep Gimli quiet in his favorite perch, the front window, or take him out and about...just part of our new reality)

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