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Day 143 in 2021

Choir! In person!

I could go on an on about the challenges of the past year. In fact, I'm pretty sure I have gone on and on about soul-crushing hours spent in Zoom "rehearsals" and how discouraging a year (more, really) unpunctuated by performances truly is for someone heavily involved in the performing arts. Calvin's return to the stage started with his dance team at a competition in late April, and while we felt great joy seeing him perform again, there was also an understandable amount of anxiety involved, anxiety that was strangely both alleviated and exacerbated by so many safety measures (testing,masking, distancing, weird one-way halls, temperature guns, taped off seating, etc, etc). His second stage return was also with his dance team and also with oh-so-many safety measures, but it had started to feel a little more normal.

Now, two weeks later, it was fairly easy to test, mask, distance, and flow through aisles to taped-off, distanced seating for Calvin's first performance with the Boychoir of Ann Arbor's Young Men's Ensemble. Because that's something else that happened over the past year while we were all isolated and distancing—Calvin's voice profile changed dramatically and he was moved from soprano in the treble choir to developing baritone in the YME.

Also, he is now taller than me.

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