And the special today is....
We've had a special week filled with milestones and celebrations. Monday's special was a birthday dinner at the Hillers' house. Tuesday's special was Calvin's introduction to bananas, and to "chunks" of food. Wednesday had several specials: Cortney's birthday (the big 3-0 - shhhhhh); Moose's birthday (the big 3-5, in human years, that is); Calvin learning to sit himself up; and, Calvin learning to truly crawl (Not on his tummy like in December, and not backwards like earlier this month, but forward while on hands and knees); Thursday's special was...well, Thursday actually wasn't special; but Friday? Friday's special was (is) a celebratory work party with Jon's bosses and co-workers and Calvin's introduction to drinking water (which, by the way, he loves). We think our downfall was Wednesday, when Calvin's friend, Liesl, came over to celebrate [Moose's] birthday and showed him how to crawl, but it was worth it because she brought with her Cortney's friends Becky and Julie who took her to lunch (a very courageous outing with three kids under the age of 14 months), and even brought a maize and blue cake, Spartans though they are. This afternoon may have brought some reprieve, though, following a nice birthday lunch that Cortney and Calvin shared with friends Erinn and Leah, in the form of a book that doubles as a sort of play pen. Yes, a book/play pen of sorts (thank you, Leah). You'd have to see it to believe it so we took pictures. It may not be sturdy enough to hold a determined child, it might be just the thing to deter a considering one.
Reader Comments (1)
Actually, you may think I'm strange but it's to coincedental to not mention, that my husband and I were married on July 27th ('02), and our son was born on June 8th!