Awwww, Calvin's parents are growing up.
We often flaunt the wonderful milestones that Calvin achieves, but rarely do we pat ourselves on the back. Well, we think it's time that we got excited about something we did for once (hey, this blog used to be about us and only us), and tonight we are busy congratulating ourselves on finally moving Calvin into his own room. Before he was born we'd said he would sleep in our room for a few weeks. Then a few weeks became a few months, and we just kept adding months after that. Every time we thought we were ready we changed our minds. Well, Saturday night we finally did it. We can't really say that we got brave, in all actuality once he started crawling and sitting himself up he could no longer safely sleep in the bassinet so the move was a few days overdue. And, as with most fears of this type, once the move was done we felt much better. Calvin had no trouble with the move at all, and this morning we were awakened an hour early by the sound of the spinner on the Aquarium crib toy - he had woken up early and was amusing himself! He then fell back asleep and we all got up at 7 as usual.

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